Monday, June 18, 2012

Part 6: Q and A about pregnancy

Q1:When will I first notice pregnancy symptoms?
A1:Each pregnancy is unique, but typically, symptoms will become obvious within 7 to 14 days from the time of implantation. Implantation occurs within nine days after fertilization, which can occur within a week of unprotected intercourse. However, many women may find they are symptom free for several weeks after implantation.

Q2:How do I get pregnant?
A2:A woman gets pregnant through the act of sexual intercourse. During intercourse, a man inserts his penis into the woman's vagina and releases semen. The semen contains sperm, which travel up the woman's vagina and into her uterus. If this happens when the woman ovulates, or releases an egg from the fallopian tubes, then the sperm fertilizes the egg, and the woman becomes pregnant.

Q3:Can I become pregnant as a result of oral sex if I swallow the sperm?
A3:No, a woman cannot become pregnant as a result of oral sex. Pregnancy can only occur if sperm is introduced into the vagina.

Q4:Can I get pregnant by participating in unprotected sex during my period?
A4:Yes, it is possible to become pregnant during your period. Sperm can live up to a week in the cervical mucus of the vagina. If you are prone to having a short menstruation cycle, ovulation may occur within a few days of the end of your period. If this coincides with the lifespan of the sperm, pregnancy can result.

Q5:Can I be pregnant even if I get a negative home pregnancy test result?
A5:Yes, it is possible to be pregnant and still get a negative reading from a home pregnancy test. While each home pregnancy test specifies when it is best to take the test, typical home pregnancy tests will not provide an accurate reading until at least ten to fourteen days after participating in unprotected sex. If you receive a negative result, but your period still has not started, and you are starting to have pregnancy symptoms, test again in three days. And, if your menstrual cycle is regular and you are more than a week late, consider visiting your health care provider for more tests.

Q6:I've taken a home pregnancy test, and the results were positive. Now what?
A6:Make an appointment with an OB, midwife, women's health professional, or at a health care clinic. You will want a professional confirmation of your pregnant condition and medical advice on how best to proceed. Your health professional can prescribe prenatal vitamins and provide you with a list of do's and don'ts that will help ensure your pregnancy is healthy, and your child has the very best start to a long and happy life.

Q7:My home pregnancy test says I'm not pregnant but my period is late and I have some of the symptoms of pregnancy. Could the test be wrong?
A7:Sure, it could be wrong. False negatives can be a result of testing too soon, reading the results incorrectly, or product error. It never hurts to take a second test, especially with something as important as a pregnancy. Make sure you are using the test at the right time of the month as well. Some pregnancy tests won't give accurate results until your period is already late.

Q8:I've been tired and my breasts are sore. Could I be pregnant?
A8:You could be pregnant, but you need to take a test. You could have all of the early signs of pregnancy, but none of these mean you are pregnant until you get that plus sign on a home pregnancy test or in your doctor's office. Common pregnancy symptoms, like being tired, nauseous, or moody, may simply indicate that you have a stomach bug or the flu.

Q9:Is it safe for me to take medication while I'm pregnant?
A9:We'll never give anyone advice on what medication they can take while pregnant. Only your doctor can advise you on medications that are safe for you to use and we'll always suggest that you contact him or her for their educated opinion. Please always check with your doctor before taking a medication during pregnancy. Don't rely on something you read on the Internet for such an important decision.

Q10:I had sex with two guys in the same month. Which one is the father?
A10:Unless you know the exact day you ovulated and there was at least a week in between having sex with the two guys, we don't know. As we mention above, there's a window of about three days when you can conceive. If you have sex with two guys around that window, only a DNA test will give you a definitive answer.

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