Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Cure Insomnia During Pregnancy

Are you a pregnant insomniac, too? If any of this sounds familiar, you are: It's 3am, and you're wide awake. You're tired, but you're not sleepy, and that makes all the difference.You have a million things to do in the morning to prepare for your child's arrival, and you just. Can't. Sleep.
You're trying to do everything you can to create a healthy baby, and surely your constant stress over your insomnia isn't helping your child, which just worries you more, and makes it even more difficult for you to sleep.Your hormones are running in overdrive, leaving you tired throughout the day, but wide awake at night.

And you know what's even better news? There is help for your insomnia during pregnancy. Read on.
  • Don't worry. Insomnia can't hurt you or your baby. Plus, sometimes just letting go of the worry is all it takes to help you sleep.
  • Clear the emotional decks. If you have persistent worries that are keeping you up nights, talk about them with a friend or your partner and try to sort them out during daylight hours — or try writing them down.
  • Take your time at dinner. Don't wolf your food down, and keep the pace leisurely so that heartburn doesn't keep you tossing and turning. And try not to eat dinner too close to bedtime (a full tummy can make you too energized — or too uncomfortable to sleep).
  • Avoid caffeine and chocolate in the late afternoon or evening, since they can keep you awake. A light snack will tide you over until breakfast, but choose it wisely — a whole-grain muffin and a glass of milk (warm it if you like; it could help you get to sleep), or a cheese stick and a few dried apricots.
  • Fill your daily requirement of fluids during the early evening to cut down on bathroom runs after you've hit the hay.
  • Get some daily pregnancy exercise, but not too close to bedtime (a post-workout buzz can keep you awake).
  • Make a bedtime routine. Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. Every night, read a book, listen to soothing music, or watch TV until drowsiness sets in.
  • Try lulling yourself into a sleepy state with a warm bath and a cup of warm milk, or solicit your partner for a relaxing prenatal massage.
  • If you're uncomfortable, you won't sleep. Is your bedroom too cold? Is it a sauna? Check the temperature, and make sure you're using a mattress and pillows that provide solid support without feeling like bricks. A body pillow can help you get comfortable, and help you get the sleep you need. Open a window to keep the room from getting stuffy — you're sure to heat up during the night.
  • If you're doing daytime activities in bed, you might be unwittingly associating that part of your home with being awake — and with stress. Pay your bills in the kitchen, and save the bed for its more traditional purposes — lovemaking (if you and your partner are still interested) and sleeping.
  • Don't use sleep aids (over-the-counter, prescription, or herbal) or alcohol to help you sleep. These are dangerous during pregnancy.
  • If you're not sleeping, get up. Conquer a small task that needs to be done (think bill paying for 15 minutes, not scrubbing the toilet) — and then try to go to sleep again. You may just be tired enough by that point to get the rest you need.
  • Don't count the hours — though most people do best on eight hours of sleep, some do fine on less and some need more. So instead of aiming for a particular number of sleep hours — ask yourself how you're feeling on the hours you're sleeping during pregnancy. If you're not chronically tired, you may be getting enough rest.

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