Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Insomnia During Pregnancy

Sure, experienced mothers told you that you would be tired all the time, but they probably forgot to mention you might suffer from insomnia during your pregnancy.Those two side effects seem like they would cancel each other out, right? But they don't. A lot of the problem comes from the quality of sleep you are actually receiving. To put it lightly, it probably sucks.

You're probably like most expectant moms, with dozens of things to do and only 24 hours in a day. Your mind is racing ahead constantly, anticipating problems and preparing for the future. So when you do sleep, it's often more like collapsing, during the day, on whichever soft surface is the closest.
And everyone knows that exhausted people can make some poor decisions, some I'm here to help you avoid the worst of them.
  • Absolutely no sleeping pills. Sorry, you can't take any sleep aids, including prescription, herbal, or over-the-counter relaxants. This restriction is part of the reason so many pregnant women struggle to overcome insomnia. All sleeping pills carry a risk of harm to your unborn child, so don't, under any circumstance, take any.
  • Don't exercise or eat right before bedtime. Working out right before bed will energize you, which is great - and make it impossible to sleep for a few hours (which isn't so great). Likewise, eating right before you try to sleep will keep your body awake and busy trying to digest the food - plus you're more likely to get heartburn if you lie down right away, which can keep you awake all on its own.
  • Stop doing stressful things on the bed. You might not consciously make the connection, but your subconscious may be associating the bed with needing to stay awake, if you normally pay the bills, study, or do work on your bed. Move these activities to a desk and keep only relaxing activities in the bedroom.
  • Don't lie awake for hours in bed This will only prolong the problem and worsen your insomnia. Give yourself 30 minutes to fall asleep. If you're still awake after this time is up, get up and read or watch TV until you're tired again. Repeat until you fall asleep.
  • Stop worrying so much! This is the most important point of all, but also the most difficult to do. If there are problems that are bothering you, face them head on and conquer them, so you don't have to waste energy thinking about them at night. You are only human, and nothing will ever be perfect. Allow yourself to make mistakes and relax. Your body and your unborn child will thank you.

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