Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some tips to a natural childbirth

Why do an increasing number of women want to birth naturally? Preparation for conception, pregnancy and birth is more and more common as parents become more aware. When a mother chooses a natural birth at home or in hospital, it is because she cares about the health and well being of the baby and herself. A good diet becomes important in pregnancy, wholesome, fresh and raw foods, preferably organically grown is the best she can do for her body and the growing baby inside her.

To nourish all aspects of our being, we are talking about physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual health. To create a healthy baby all these aspects need to be looked at. A healthy pregnancy requires a diet combing fresh, raw foods in all the rainbow colors, whole grains, nuts, legumes, fish, red meat which should be hormone free. Luckily today there are many outlets of fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, meat and chicken produced in this way. If good foods are eaten in pregnancy, supplements may not be necessary.

Keep in mind that Protein, fats, Vitamin C, E, folic acid and iron are in high demand in pregnancy. Vegetarians need to get enough iron and protein in their diet, vegans need iron, protein, calcium and B12 increased in pregnancy. Herbs and Homeopathics can be helpful as supplements, but the number one is the food we eat and the water we drink. The quality of water is very important because good water helps to flush out toxins from the body.

One of the childbirth tips I had not tried before was swimming. I wanted baby to be in the best position possible, and she was somewhat posterior (which produces back labor). So at 37 weeks, I started swimming 3 mornings a week. I typically don't swim, but I joined a club just for the last few weeks of my pregnancy because I read that swimming helps to move baby into an optimal position in the birth canal. The better positioning that baby has in the birth canal, the faster labor can go. Worked for me.

Our baby needs to be nourished in the best possible way. A pregnant mum will naturally want to change her lifestyle so she can have more time to relax and prepare for motherhood. Breathing fresh air at the beach, in the bush or in a nice garden or park, oxygenates the blood and enriches the quality of the blood supply to the baby. Deep breathing purifies and cleanses, the baby receives more oxygen. This is very important for healthy cell development.

One of my favorite childbirth tips for expectant moms is to have regular chiropractic care.

When I was about 37 weeks, my midwife said that my baby was laying on her side, which wasn't the best position for baby to be in when I went into labor. She suggested that I go to a Chiropractor. After I was adjusted, I could tell baby was in a much better position, and I credit my fast birth, in part, to the chiropractic adjustments I received just before birth.
Going to the chiropractor in late pregnancy can ensure that mom's pelvis, back and neck are in good alignment, as well as helping baby to rotate into an optimal position. Both of these things can help labor to progress quickly and less painfully.

Chiropractic adjustments, especially at the end of pregnancy, is one of the best childbirth tips.

Emotional well being is important in pregnancy. If there is conflict in the relationship with the father of the baby, it is important to take time to resolve the issues before the birth. This goes for close family members as well, as it can affect the birth itself. Sometimes a counselor is needed or it could be a friend, family member, midwife or others. Emotional and mental health and well being is linked. We want to resolve as much as possible before the baby arrives so we can give our baby the best.

Pregnancy, birth and motherhood brings us very close to our spirituality, the essence of who we are. Many women have a spiritual experience at birth as well as a good physical experience. It is important for women to be in touch with the instincts and intuition, their inner knowing. This can only happen with sensitive caregivers, who respect this and don’t take charge, over ride or act from ego or want to be in control. Everyone, including professional care givers need to understand that the mother knows the baby best and is fully capable of giving birth naturally, bond and breastfeed the baby in her own mothering style. We want to support her knowledge. Some women want to deliver their own baby with their own hands, they do not tear and they just push the placenta out when they are ready.

A drug free birth gives that opportunity to be fully aware of what happens in labour, the baby is born fully aware and breastfeeding becomes easier.
The contentment and satisfaction that is experienced through a good healthy and drug free birth helps with all the challenges that comes afterwards. Sleepless nights and/or breastfeeding problems are easier to cope with. What happens at birth affects the baby long term. What we want to achieve is non-separation and the ability to give the baby all the colostrum it wants which is full of antibodies and immunoglobins and will protect the baby for a very long time.
There is so much to be said about the nourishing aspects of a natural birth; the people involved, their behaviour and attitudes to the mother, baby, family; support and encouragement of individual mothering styles, respect and honouring of what is primal, the core-strength of all beings, the knowing of who we are.

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