Sunday, May 27, 2012

Keeping Active While Pregnant

Pregnancy is exciting news for most of the couples. It opens the doors to the new plans, worries and joy. Many couples do not feel fully prepared when it comes to pregnancy, especially if it is their first child. Having doubts about the entire situation and how the future will be, is quite normal for the new parents. It is perfectly natural to have your doubts and insecurities when it comes to the money and providing for your child, if you will be a good parent or not, etc.

The best solution to solve your worries and doubts is to become well informed and prepared. The more you read about pregnancy, talk about it with people that already had some experience with it, consult the health care professionals, and spread your interest across all the aspects of pregnancy, the more secure you will feel. Feeling secure about it will also make you feel more prepared.

It is not only that the mother is responsible for a baby while pregnant. It is a shared responsibility between both partners. The male partner needs to support the mother because she is the one going through all the pregnancy process and hormonal imbalances.These hormonal changes make the pregnant women more sensitive and easily irritable. The partners should be supportive and understand the situation since having the partner’s support is essential.

During the pregnancy women should avoid stress by all means. Avoiding stress can be achieved through many relaxation techniques such as yoga or some light exercises. Being in a joyful company can help greatly as well. Keep in mind that consistent stress can transfer the effects to the baby. This can make the baby more vulnerable to diseases after the birth and can develop a stress prone personality. Stress has direct effect on the baby so the couples should support each other to avoid stress as much as possible. Studies show that the main cause of stress in pregnant women is a non supportive and difficult partner. Both partners should understand that if they want their baby to be healthy, active and safe they should try to be as relaxed and calm as possible, especially the mother.

What are the benefits of keeping active while pregnant?

  • Keeping active while pregnant lessen the discomforts of pregnancy and will make you healthy. Exercise and physical activity will prevent you from gaining too much weight and will lower your risk of pregnancy complications associated with being overweight like pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Exercise also help relieve pregnancy discomforts like lower backache, leg cramps, swelling hands and feet, varicose veins, sleeplessness, fatigue and constipation.
  • Keeping active while pregnant makes you look good. Exercises and physical activities can prevent the build up of fat deposits and improve muscle tone. It can help you stay in shape and beautiful while going through your pregnancy. When you are in shape, you do not have to wear baggy and unattractive clothes but you can be pregnant and sexy. Exercise also improves sleep. If you have complete night sleep, you will definitely look great.
  • Keeping active while pregnant makes you feel good. Physical activity can help you overcome mood swings and relieves stress. Exercise can help boost your energy level and can help you achieve emotional stability. And of course if you look good, you will feel good.

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