Sunday, May 27, 2012

Maintaining good health during pregnancy

Pregnancy has a big effect on women, both physically and mentally – and not all of it good!You're fine one minute, crying or shouting the next; there's no doubt about it, being pregnant plays havoc with your emotions! In fact, many moms-to-be can be described as “moody”; sometimes you feel great, other times it’s difficult to make it through a day. However, whether you find yourself in tears at the smallest thing or incensed to rage by a harmless action, dealing with these emotions on top of everything else that comes along with a positive pregnancy test can be very stressful itself.

Here are some ways you can keep your mood up while dealing with all the vagaries of pregnancy.

  • Little Things Mean a Lot
Improving your prenatal mood needn’t cost a lot of time or money. Think about the things that make you feel good any time, pregnant or not. It could be a candy bar, a hot bath with fragrant oils, or listening to your favorite songs on your iPod. These may be some of the simple treats that always elevate your spirits – and they’re perfect for a way to feel good fast. If you enjoy fresh flowers, why not buy yourself a bouquet? An added bonus is that the scent of flowers is often calming.

  • Take a break
Give yourself permission to take a break. Take a look at your to-do list - even if it's only a mental list. Take one item off of it - and spend the time you would have spent on that chore relaxing with a cup of tea and that magazine you've been promising yourself you would get to.

  • The Mind-Body Connection
As you are probably well aware, your mind and body are integrally connected; what happens to one affects the other. So if your body is big and ungainly and tired, your emotions are apt to be the same!

Of course, physical activity is important for your health. Something as simple as a walk around the block can work miracles for both mind and body and it’s easy to fit into your work day.

  • Reward yourself
Promise yourself a walk in the garden. When you're racing through the supermarket treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers along with the groceries. Call an old friend for a chat. Make these rewards - one reward for each chore that you manage to get through.

  • Posture Affects Emotions
But even more than that, your body’s overall health is linked to your posture. Without good posture, your breathing can be labored, your digestion negatively affected, and depressing emotions allowed to run rampant. It’s true! A change as simple as sitting and standing straight at all times has been linked to feelings of comfort, better physical and mental balance, and clarity of thought, not to mention decreased lower back pain.

  • Stay Away from Bad Habits
If you have been drinking and smoking in your early years, you need to quit these two habits to keep good health during pregnancy. Such habits are not only harmful for your health but also hazardous to your baby. It is said that there are chances of pre – mature delivery if the expectant mothers smoke and drink.

When you’re pregnant, it’s more important than ever to treat yourself right. Not only does your mental and physical health affect your own emotions, it affects your developing baby, too. Take the time to focus on the things that make you feel good and wear the LAYLA™ Maternity Bodysuit so you body stays aligned and balanced and thus promotes a positive mental state.

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