Thursday, December 6, 2012

What you should know abort Sex after pregnancy

After caesarean delivery a patient usually goes to the doctor 6 weeks after delivery for her 6-week check-up. Once the doctor assesses that her body has returned to normal, the couple can resume their sex life. If you haven't been to your gynaecologist after delivery and have had no problems post-delivery, then it would be safe to resume sexual activity. But please use contraception, because even if the mother is breastfeeding, she could get pregnant.

1. After the baby is born, how soon can I have sex?

Whether you give birth vaginally or by C-section, your body will need time to heal. Many health care providers recommend waiting four to six weeks before having sex. This allows time for the cervix to close, postpartum bleeding to stop, and any tears or repaired lacerations to heal.

The other important timeline is your own. Some women feel ready to resume sex within a few weeks of giving birth, while others need a few months — or even longer. Factors such as fatigue, stress and fear of pain all can take a toll on your sex drive.usehold chores.

If sex continues to be painful, consult your health care provider about possible treatment options.ould be difficult to predict a safe period. If your wife's periods are regular, the middle wee

2. Will it feel different?

After a vaginal delivery, decreased muscle tone in the vagina might reduce pleasurable friction during sex — which can influence arousal. This is usually temporary.

To tone your pelvic floor muscles, try Kegel exercises. Simply tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're stopping your stream of urine. Try it for five seconds at a time, four or five times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions. Once you've got the hang of it, do at least three sets of 10 Kegel exercises a day.

3. Will it hurt?

Hormonal changes might leave your vagina dry and tender, especially if you're breast-feeding.

To help ease any discomfort during sex, take it slow. Start with cuddling, kissing or massage. Gradually build the intensity of stimulation. If vaginal dryness is a problem, use a lubricating cream or gel. Try different positions to take pressure off any sore areas and control penetration. Tell your partner what feels good — and what doesn't.

It's also important to focus on the moment. Keep your mind on yourself and your partner — not the diapers, laundry and other household chores.

If sex continues to be painful, consult your health care provider about possible treatment options.

Normal sexual life can be resumed one and a half months after delivery. The frequency should be less, so your wife can enjoy sex and devote time to the baby without getting unduly tired. After delivery the cycles are irregular for 6 months, so it would be difficult to predict a safe period. If your wife's periods are regular, the middle week between the two periods is when she is most likely to get pregnant. For example, if she starts her period on 1st of feb, 12th to 20th feb is when pregnancy is most likely to occur. It's safest to have sex outside of this period. A good method of contraception is Copper T. Inj. contraceptives or oral pills will also do.

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