Friday, December 7, 2012

Natural Treatment for Eczema in Ears

When you have eczema in your ears it's hard to say what's worse- is it the insane itching in your outer ear and ear canal? Or is it the yellow, crusty ear wax that coats the whole inside of your ear and is even visible on the outside? If you're tired of constantly trying to rid yourself of ear eczema (or you've just now found out that's what your ear condition is) it's time to take action, and you can do this simply and easily right from home.
Ear eczema is just like the itchy, red, completely irritating skin condition people commonly get on their arms, legs, and even faces. What makes it worse in the ear is that we pick and pick and scratch and scratch inside the ear canal trying to rid ourselves of that deep-rooted itching that we just can't quite reach, and even worse, we are constantly picking out those huge, yellowish ear wax scabs that reoccur as soon as we pick them off. It's visible and embarrassing, and so itchy (and sometimes bloody and scabbed over from constant picking and scratching) that relief seems null and void. What's worse, is we don't quite know how to treat the condition, and without treatment eczema in the ears can last for weeks, months, or even years at a time. While the condition can ebb and wane from time to time without proper combating, the yellowish earwax buildup, the temporary hearing interference (due to earwax buildup) and the danger of infection due to untreatment is always prominent. If you have ear eczema and have simply gotten used to it, or just plain don't know what to do, take action now to kill the current outbreak and get your pretty, healthy ears back.

To treat the ear eczema, you have to do two things; kill the infection to manage the outbreak, and hydrate the ears to promote healing and ease that crazy itching. To do this, there are many natural remedies you can use for instant relief in both itchiness and pain that will also work to kill the bacteria caused by your fingers from that constant picking and scratching to make the condition leave you alone. Honey is a great way to start. The purer the honey, the better it works, so for the honey treatment I recommend hitting your local health foods store to get the purest honey possible. Warm a few teaspoonfuls of honey (not hot, which will burn and encourage bacteria growth) and apply honey directly to the outer and visible part of the inner ear (do not go any deeper than you would with a cotton swab) with a clean, thin cloth. Let the solution dry and leave on for around 10 minutes, then rinse off and dry the ears completely with a clean towel. Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory which eases the itchiness and pain, and the antibacterial properties it has kill the infection (if any) and bacteria in the ear.

Follow the honey treatment with a Zinc ointment. Zinc cream will not only provide a lovely cooling sensation to the affected parts of your ear, but will wick moisture from the ear that bacteria thrives in while keeping itching and infection at bay at the same time. Simply rub lotion in and around your ear and you will instantly feel relief from both your pain and itchiness, and the antibacterial properties in zinc will work for long periods to make an uninhabitable home for bacteria and kill off preexisting bacteria. Apply Zinc cream often throughout the day to combat itchiness and to keep the moisture out of the ear that bacteria thrives in. The cream will moisturize the ear as well, and without the irritation that keeps getting to you, you're ear will begin to stop producing the earwax yellowy crusty scabs that are embarrassing and tempting to pick at.

The best way for these remedies to work is to use them together. In the morning and before bed (for severe outbreaks) apply the honey treatment and immediately follow with the Zinc cream. Avoid picking at or scratching the ears, and when the itching returns apply more Zinc cream. Keep the ears dry and don't use dirty cloths or cotton swabs to clean the ears, and don't pick off the earwax crusties as they will dissipate within a few days. The less you pick at your poor ears, the better while they heal.

For active ear infections that are acute, you can pour Listerine mouth wash into the ears, Vodka, or Hydrogen Peroxide, holding them in with a cotton ball, prior to the honey and Zinc cream treatment. This will further enable you to combat the bacterial infection quickly. For less severe ear infections, the honey will take care of the infection and the Zinc will keep it at bay while providing Ahh relief.

If your condition is so severe it is interfering with your ability to balance, see well or focus, or is causing acute hearing loss, see your doctor as you may have an inner-ear problem that needs immediate attention. Your doctor can diagnose your ear eczema and provide further relief if needed.

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