Friday, June 7, 2013

The processing of Cord Blood

Cord Blood

1. Collect cord blood from the placenta and umbilical cord after infant is separated from the cord

2. Identity information will be verified and unique ISBT barcode will be assigned

3. Load the processing set into AXP™ device for stem cells isolation

4. Segregate white blood cells and red blood cells in centrifuge and transfer stem cells into freezing bag

5. Introduce DMSO into freezing bag

6. Double wrap the freezing bag and place into canister for extra protection

7. Insert the canister into controlled rate freezer and put into BioArchive® System for cryogenic storage

Umbilical Cord Tissue

1. Identity information will be verified and unique ISBT barcode will be assigned

2. Sterilize the umbilical cord and prepare the processing at Class 100,000 clean room

3. Dismember the cord and remove the blood vessels at Class 10,000 clean room (Class 10,000 is better than Class 100,000)

4. Enzyme digestion

5. Transfer the tissue into culture flask to retrieve the most primitive mesenchymal stem cells

6. After cell culture, stem cells will be stored in freezing bag and further protected by canister

7. Insert the canister into controlled rate freezer and put into BioArchive® System for cryogenic storage

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