Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to Prevent Infant Constipation

Constipation in infants occurs when the stool becomes hard, dry and difficult for the infant to pass. Infrequent stools are not necessarily a cause for concern as long they are soft and the baby does not have pain passing the stool. You can take measures to help prevent infant constipation by adjusting the baby's diet and daily routine.

1.Watch the baby for signs of constipation. Constipated babies will experience pain and discomfort during bowel movements.

2.Note changes in the frequency of bowel movements. Although frequency on its own is not a reliable indicator of constipation, sudden changes in an infant's typical elimination schedule can signal baby constipation or a diarrheal problem. Healthy breastfed babies may go up to a week between bowel movements, but formula fed babies who do not experience a bowel movement for 1 to 3 days and experience obvious discomfort while passing a stool may be constipated.

3. Keep the baby adequately hydrated. Dehydration can cause or exacerbate constipation.
Offer a bottle or the breast frequently to keep up the baby's fluid intake, especially during warm weather.
Keep the baby at a comfortable temperature to reduce fluid loss through perspiration. Don't overdress the baby or allow the baby to sleep and play in a hot room. Limit time outside during warm weather.

4. Switch the type of formula you use. Infants may react badly to certain ingredients in a formula.
Provide the baby with water or juice if the baby is older than 4 months. Start with 2 to 4 oz. (60 to 120 ml) of water, prune, apple or pear juice.
Discuss switching formula with the infant's pediatrician before making any changes. The doctor may have specific recommendations based on the infant's medical history and symptoms.

5.Adjust the baby's solid food diet. Certain types of solid food are more likely to trigger constipation, while the addition of other foods can prevent infant constipation.
Decrease the amount of bananas and cooked carrots you provide the baby. These foods can cause or worsen constipation.
Switch from rice cereal to a more fiber rich oat or barley infant cereal.
Consider supplementing an older baby's infant cereal with bran if your doctor approves.
Add more prunes, pears and apricots to the baby's diet. You can serve these foods by themselves in purees, or mix purees into the baby's cereal.
Keep the baby's foods varied to provide a balanced diet.

6. Keep the baby active. Low activity levels can lead to constipation.
Grasp the baby's lower feet and gently move the baby's legs in a bicycling motion if the infant is not yet crawling.
Offer toys that roll or move. These can help encourage the baby to roll over or crawl more frequently, increasing the baby's activity level.
Get down at the baby's level and play to encourage movement.

7.Massage the baby's stomach. Gentle belly massage can help ease constipation.
Place your hand across the baby's stomach, 3 finger widths below the navel.
Apply gentle pressure.

8. Ask the baby's pediatrician for advice. If the baby experiences persistent and severe constipation that is not affected by dietary or activity level adjustments, a doctor can assess whether there are any underlying causes for the constipation. Constipation is very common in babies, but some infants may experience constipation as a symptom of hypothyroidism, food allergies or other medical conditions.

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