Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Learn to walk can affect your child's emotional behaviour

No More Naps! Your toddler may decide to stop napping quite as regularly now that life has taken on new challenges. If the normal routines don't suit his energy levels anymore, it may be time to reorganise the day to reflect your child's changing needs – such as cutting down from two naps to one in the middle of the day. It will reduce the amount of time you have for yourself, but it's worth doing if you don't want his bedtime to be affected.
CHANGING PATTERNS Your baby's drive to master standing and walking has probably upset his daily routine - including his sleep schedule. His nap schedule, which was divided between morning and afternoon, becomes less predictable. A baby may prefer spending his time moving back and forth to sleeping in his cot. Continue to put him in his cot for a short time in the morning and afternoon, but don't worry if he doesn't rest. He'll eventually start actually sleeping again once he conquers walking and the novelty wears off. At night, sleep disruption is even more likely. You can help him get back to sleep by reacting calmly and firmly and reinstating all the familiar rituals. Give him about 10 minutes to go back to sleep on his own. Then go in and pat him and reassure him you're there, and leave.

Eating patterns may also be disrupted, with your baby eating next to nothing at one meal and more than you at the next. Trust him - he'll balance it out provided you don't make a big issue of it. Offer high-energy snacks such as a bread roll or toast with cream cheese or bananas.

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