Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10 Ideas for Baby's First Halloween Party

My wife and I had the privilege of welcoming three newborns into our home, and we experienced all the joy (and exhaustion) that came with each of them. Now that our last child, James, is nearly five months old and our newborn days are behind us, I can't help but feel a bit wistful. Here are ten things I'm going to miss the most about having a newborn:
How they curl up in the fetal position
I found it so cute whenever I discovered my newborns this way, and it makes sense when you consider that at this point in their lives they've spent more time inside the womb than outside it!
Newborn diapers
These tiny diapers are so cute that they're even cute when they're soiled! Well, not quite. But they are adorable.
I will definitely miss the way newborns burrow into their parents and seem to get so much comfort from being cuddled. Such a special time.
The way they wrap their entire hand around one of our fingers
I mean look at that photo. How could you not miss that?
Newborn hair
All three of my kids were born with a shock of black hair just like mine, but within a couple of months they lost it all! Interestingly, each of my kids later grew back hair that was much lighter and more like their mother's.
Kissing their cheeks
There is nothing softer in the world than a newborn's cheek. I must have kissed each of my kid's cheeks a thousand times each.
How they fit in the palm of your hand
As your baby grows it becomes harder to imagine that they were once so small, but they were. Those first few weeks when you can hold your newborn in one hand are incredible.
Baby baths
Bathing your newborn for the first time is surprisingly fun, and I always loved seeing my newborn's "What the heck is happening to me?" expressions.
Newborn pudge
The round cheeks and chubby thighs on a newborn are the best.
The sense of awe and discovery
Those early days when you're getting to know who your little person is are incredible. The good news is that, while a baby is only new once, they continue to surprise you every day of their lives!

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