Friday, October 5, 2012

How to eat During Labor

To eat or not to eat? When it comes to labor, that is the question — and the answer depends on whom you're talking to. Although some practitioners still say no way to food once contractions begin, many others believe that eating's fine (especially in the early stages of labor, and often all the way through), as long as you're sticking with fluids and snacks instead of a steak dinner. (Not that you'd be much in the mood for meat once those stronger contractions kick in.)
So poll your practitioner, and get his or her take on the labor eating debate. Chances are, your doctor will be on board with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines: it's okay for moms-to-be to drink clear liquids if they're having uncomplicated labors. But he or she may still draw the line at solid foods (like toast).
Why the eating ban in the first place? It was based on the long-held theory that food in the digestive track might be aspirated if you need emergency anesthesia. But not only are you incredibly unlikely to need such anesthesia, but studies have shown the aspiration rate to be minuscule. Another reason why many practitioners are more likely to send their patients snacking during labor: Recent research has shown that labor is shorter — up to 45 to 90 minutes shorter — in women who are allowed eating privileges. After all, labor lives up to its name — it's hard work, and hard work requires fuel. Laboring on empty can make it tough to summon up the strength for those last pushes.
If your practitioner gives the thumbs-down to solids, consider offering up the evidence (including those ACOG guidelines) you've now collected and pleading your case (as in "please let me eat! I promise I'll lay off the fries!"); but if your practitioner still says no, it's best to heed his or her advice at 40 weeks pregnant. (Of course, you can also eat something light at home before you head for the hospital.)
If you do get the go-ahead on eating, think small, and if your practitioner has suggestions, try to stick with them. In general, light snacks can keep your energy up, and liquids will keep you hydrated. Stick with…
Eating Well During Labor: Solid Foods
Toast with jam: Bland but sustaining, it'll give you a good energy kick (choose whole-grain toast for an even longer-lasting one), without straining your digestive system. Skip the butter, though, and the peanut butter. You're going fat-free.

Plain pasta: It's not the time to partake of a platterful of penne (especially not one tossed with Bolognese), but a small scoop of perfectly plain pasta can be precisely the bland snack you're looking for. Plus, it can be a good way to carbo-load for the athletic event of your life.

Applesauce or Jell-O: There's always room for these — they go down easy, as well as offer the energy boost you'll need for those more-challenging delivery room moments.

Popsicles or sorbet:Suck on these — they'll keep you hydrated, give you a little jolt of energy, and, if they're actually made with fruit, you'll be cramming in a few last-minute vitamins. (Hey, it's never too late for those!) Plus, they make better choices than ice cream (you don't want to be trying to digest fat or dairy right now).

Eating Well During Labor: Liquids
Clear Broth: Warm, easy to digest, and nutritious, consider chicken or vegetable broth for the laboring soul — and body. Homemade or low-sodium would be a better choice than high-sodium canned varieties (they'll leave you super thirsty).
Beverages: No surprise that water is on the list of ACOG's approved-for-labor liquids, but so is fruit juice (without the pulp), carbonated beverages (like seltzer or Sprite) clear tea, black coffee, and sports drinks.

Ice chips:Though long a staple on the delivery-room menu, ice chips may be going out of style (and supplanted by more tasty beverages). But if you're under a no-food restriction during labor, you'll be able to suck on ice — and a few icy chips will be just the refreshing ticket when those breathing exercises leave you parched. Put your coach in charge of being your Ice Man, and making sure they Cometh as needed. (If you're still at home, he'll need to crush his own — the hospital offers an endless supply, already crushed.)

Even if you're really hungry (and chances are, eating won't be the first thing on your mind at that moment), resist the temptation to take a final drive through those golden arches on the way to the hospital. In fact, you'd be smart to avoid anything that's high in fat or fiber-stuffed — you don't want to be competing with your digestive tract for energy reserves while it struggles to break down that Big Mac or that tray of bran muffins (plus the last thing you'll need is heartburn or the runs — you'll have plenty of other challenges to keep you busy).
And whether you can eat or not during labor, your coach definitely can — and should (don't want him fainting from hunger when you need him most). Remind him to have a meal before you head off to the hospital or birthing center (his mind's probably on your belly, not his) — and to pack a bunch of snacks to take along so that he won't have to leave your side when his stomach starts growling. (Nothing smelly though — you probably won't be very happy about breathing in the aroma of garlic potato chips, especially three hours after he's eaten them.)

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