Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to buy Baby clothes for the first six weeks

A little preparation goes a long way when shopping or registering for baby clothes. You'll be changing your baby's clothing several times a day – babies can be messy! – so make sure outfits are uncomplicated and open easily for diaper changes. In general, you want soft, comfortable clothing with no irritating tags or seams.

A note on sizing: It's hard to predict which size clothing your baby will need at first. Many babies outgrow newborn or 0- to 3-month clothes quickly, and some larger babies skip the newborn sizes completely and start with 3-month or 3- to 6-month sizes. Others will start out in preemie sizes and wear newborn clothes for months. The best tip is to buy clothing in several sizes and return what you don't use. 

How many of each item you'll need will depend on how often you plan to do laundry, but we've provided rough guidelines below (in parentheses). Make sure to also read Baby and mom gear for the first six weeks to help you shop for other newborn essentials.

Clothing to buy for your newborn
  • One-piece outfits (5 to 7): Some of these are basically spiffed-up jammies appropriate for sleeping and playing – and because babies nap so frequently, especially at first, these are very convenient. 
  • Shirts (4 to 7): Look for T-shirts and turtlenecks with plenty of room in the neck, or snaps at the neck, so they slip easily over your child's head. Many parents prefer one-piece styles that snap at the crotch.
  • Leggings or pull-on pants (5 to 7): Separates allow you to change one piece of dirty clothing without assembling a whole new outfit, so they're useful to have. Look for stretchy waistbands that fit easily over your baby's diaper and belly – and expand as he gains weight.
  • Sweater or jacket (1): Most babies don't like having clothes pulled over their head, so warm up your baby with a sweater or jacket that buttons down the front.
  • Pajamas or sleepers (4 to 7): No matter how cute it looks, avoid sleepwear that has complicated snaps or requires lots of effort to get on or off!
  • Wearable blankets (2 to 3): These fleece or cotton sacks zip over your baby's sleepwear to keep him warm at night. They replace traditional blankets, which aren't safe for sleeping babies because of the risk of SIDS. You may or may not need these, depending on the climate you live in and the season when your baby's born.
  • Fleecewear or snowsuits: If you have a winter baby, you may want a one-piece fleece suit to keep him warm on outings. They're often hooded and come in many styles. Another option is to avoid bulky snowsuits and slip your baby into a snug, fleece-lined stroller sack (designed to accommodate the harnesses in strollers and car seats).
  • Socks and booties: You'll need lots of socks for indoors and some booties to keep your baby's feet warm when you're out and about.
  • Hats (1 to 3): You'll want a broad-brimmed hat for a summer baby, or a soft, warm hat that covers the ears for a winter baby.
Tips for dressing your newborn
Avoid clothes that wrap around your baby's neck too tightly and those that have cords or ties. Check buttons, ribbons, and decorative items to make sure they're on securely – if they come off, they're a choking hazard.

When dressing your infant, make the clothes fit your baby and not the other way around. Open snaps and stretch necks wide so you can ease your baby's head through them. Reach through sleeves and legs first to help guide wiggly hands and feet. 

It's often easiest to dress your infant on the changing table or floor. Try cooing and talking to your baby as you put on each piece so he will associate getting dressed with special time with you.

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