Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hair Loss After Pregnancy and Childbirth

A woman's hair is her glory, at least according to the age-old adage. If you're like most women, you spend a lot of time and money keeping your hair looking its best. During pregnancy your hair was probably the thickest, fullest you had ever seen it. Then, to your despair, you noticed it falling out in large amounts after your baby was born. You are probably desperate to find out how to stop hair loss after having a baby.

The normal growth process for each hair consists of 3 phases - the growth phase (2 – 8 years), resting phase (about 3 months) and shedding phase. The hormonal changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy cause an increase in the amount of time her hair remains in the growth phase which results in her hair appearing thicker. The average number of hairs that a normal person loses is 100 per day but this hormonal reaction causes pregnant women to lose as little as 50 or less.

After pregnancy the temporarily retained hair sheds which can be worrying for the sufferer, but it is only the excess hair that is falling out and once the shedding has passed the hair will usually return to its original density as it was before pregnancy within 6 months.

Treatment is not usually necessary but failure of the hair to recover six months after pregnancy indicates other possible causes. Stress, a change in lifestyle and strain on the body are other factors that can perpetuate the problem of otherwise temporary hair loss following childbirth. Such factors can cause a more longstanding condition called Diffuse Thinning. Repeated incidences of hair loss after pregnancy can result in less hair growing back each time also giving rise to Diffuse Thinning.

In order to avoid this type of hair loss it is very useful to consider using suitable treatments at each bout of hair loss. This approach helps to minimise the damage that each episode can cause and ensure hair is recovered to its optimum potential.

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