Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to beat fatigue during pregnancy

Fatigue during pregnancy is so common that you should expect that it will occur during your pregnancy. Most women are more tired than usual during the first trimester of pregnancy and toward the end of the third trimester.  During early pregnancy, your body hormones that can make you feel sluggish and sleepy. Your body also changes the way it processes foods and nutrients and it needs to work harder to supply the needs of both you and your developing baby. During the last months of your pregnancy, difficulty sleeping and the additional weight of the baby further deplete your strength and energy..
The following suggestions may help you avoid excessive fatigue during pregnancy:
  • Rest when you can during the day, during your lunch hour, or before dinner.
  • Go to bed early since you may find yourself waking up several times during the night.
  • Try to reduce the number of times you will need to get up at night. Drink plenty of fluids but avoid drinking anything for 2-3 hours before bedtime so that you will not have to get up to urinate.
  • Try to eat your last meal of the day several hours before lying down or going to sleep so you can reduce the chance of indigestion and heartburn.
  • Gently stretch your leg muscles before bedtime to reduce the possibility of nighttime leg cramps.
  • Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Do not be hesitant to ask your partner, children, or friends for help. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, talk to friends, relatives, and your health care provider about finding support and help.
  • Eat a balanced diet, including plenty of iron and protein. It is especially important to eat plenty of iron-containing foods during pregnancy.
  • Take a prenatal vitamin, an iron supplement, and folic acid as recommended by your health care provider.
  • Excessive fatigue can be a symptom of anemia, which affects approximately 50% of pregnant women, particularly if you also have shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness, pale skin, and dizziness. If you experience what you think is excessive fatigue, make sure to contact your health care provider.
  • Listen to your body. If you're tired, rest. Pace yourself, keeping your body's message in mind — and don't try to be super (expectant) mom. Let the dishes wait until later, and turn the other way as the dust bunnies breed under your dining table. Don't book activities — or take care of chores — that aren't essential. Never been a napper — or a slacker? There's never been a better time to try those on for size.
  • Ask for help. Don't play the mother-to-be martyr. Let your partner know exactly how sapped you are, so he can do his fair share (and then some). If your friends or family ask if they can give you a hand, say yes — always! Having a pal pick up some groceries for you can mean you might actually have enough energy left to drag yourself out for a walk (before you drag yourself into bed).
  • Get more sleep. If you're perpetually sleepy, make a point of getting more sleep (yes, that might be a "duh" — but that doesn't mean you've been complying). If at all possible, go to bed earlier, or stay in bed later — or both.
  • Eat right. To keep your energy up, you need a steady supply of premium fuel. Follow the Pregnancy Diet, focusing on long-lasting energy boosters, such as protein and complex carbohydrates. Also make sure you're getting enough calories (which may be easier said than done if morning sickness has you down — but is definitely worth the effort). Caffeine or sugar (or both) may seem like the perfect quick fix for an energy slump, but don't be fooled into reaching for that chocolate bar or Caramel Frap — the jolt they'll give you will be followed by a free-falling crash, making you feel more tired than ever.
  • Eat often. Like so many other pregnancy symptoms, fatigue responds well to the six-meal solution. Keeping your blood sugar on an even keel will help keep your energy steady, too — so resist meal skipping, and opt for frequent mini-meals and snacks (the sustaining kind, comprised of protein and complex carbs).
  • Get a move on. Sure, the couch has never looked more inviting — but paradoxically, the right amount of the right kind of pregnancy exercise can be more rejuvenating than a sofa break. So take a hike or even a short brisk walk — not only will you feel peppier (and happier, thanks to those mood-elevating hormones, endorphins), but you'll sleep better at night. More sleep tonight, more energy tomorrow — get the picture? Just don't overdo it — you want to finish up your workout feeling energized, not enervated.
  • If your fatigue is severe, persistent, or lasts throughout your entire pregnancy, talk to your practitioner. If you exhibit other symptoms too, such as weakness, breathlessness, or even fainting spells, you may have iron-deficiency anemia, so be sure to put in a call to your practitioner.

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