Thursday, July 11, 2013

Foot and Leg Problems in Babies And Delayed Walking

Most babies can pull themselves up to stand and begin taking their first steps somewhere between the ages of 8 months and 12 months. Soon after their first birthday, they can usually take a few steps alone, but prior to this will have started to 'cruise' -- walking along the edge of a couch or table, using furniture or outstretched hands for support. But what if your baby shows signs of delayed walking? And what if you notice your baby has bowed legs or is walking on tiptoes -- should you worry?

There is a wide variation from one baby to the next in learning to walk. Timing of first steps can also vary between babies of different ethnic backgrounds. One baby may not walk until three or four months after another. That doesn't necessarily signal a problem or delayed walking. Both children are likely to be equally healthy and able to run and play as they get older.

Are Baby's Bowed Legs a Concern?

Bowed legs are a common concern of new parents who may not realize that nearly every baby has bowed legs at birth. This outward curve of the leg bones usually resolves itself by age 2. Toddlers usually sway from side to side rather than move forward, at first, making their bowed legs look even more exaggerated. Bowed legs don't cause delayed walking or affect your baby's ability to learn to walk.

In a few rare cases, when bowed legs don't resolve naturally by age 2, your baby's knees can be turned outward by the curve of the leg bones. This can cause knee problems. If bowed legs appear suddenly or persist beyond the age of 2, see your baby's doctor.

Rarely, bowlegs are a sign of rickets. That's a condition caused by, among other things, a lack of vitamin D and calcium in your baby's diet that inhibits bone growth. Bowlegs can also be caused by a relatively rare condition called Blount's disease, which causes abnormal bone growth in the tibia, or lower leg bone. This condition is more commonly seen in African-American children and is thought to be associated with being overweight.

Are Pigeon Toes a Problem for Babies?

Many babies have a slight intoeing, also called pigeon toes, when they're born. This usually disappears during the toddler years.

Pigeon toes may be caused by problems with any of three areas in the leg and foot. There may be deviation of the foot also known as metatarsus adductus. The other source may be problems at the head of the thigh bone at the hip. Finally, this could be due to problems in the tibia or lower leg bone -- internal tibial torsion -- discussed below.

Can intoeing, or 'pigeon toes', cause a delay in a baby learning to walk? 

Are Pigeon Toes a Problem for Babies? continued...

Metatarsus adductus is the most common cause in the early months of a baby's life whereas the others effect older children. This is a curve in the foot itself, usually created by the baby's position in the womb before birth although there are other possible factors. You can see metatarsus adductus when you look at the soles of your baby's feet. They'll curve towards each other like two half-moons.

Doctors disagree about whether to put foot braces on a child with severe pigeon toes. Some doctors advise bracing or casting if the feet are still severely curved when a child is 4 to 6 months old. The brace or cast is usually removed when a baby starts to walk. Other doctors don't feel that bracing helps pigeon toes or speeds up the development of the feet and legs toward a more true alignment.

If your baby's knees point straight ahead with intoeing, he may have internal tibial torsion which is more commonly seen at the ages of one to three years. This condition is caused by an inward turning of the tibia (lower leg bone). It usually resolves itself as a baby learns to walk. If it doesn't, see your doctor for possible treatment.

If your baby's knees point inward with intoeing, he may have a condition called excess femoral anteversion. This condition is caused by an inward turning of the femur (upper leg bone) and is often seen in children who sit with their lower legs behind them in a W shape. Again, it usually resolves on its own -- typically by age 8 or so.

In all these conditions, spontaneous resolution is the most common outcome with little or no intervention. However, in all cases where the situation is persistent or worsening you should consult your child's doctor.

When Baby Walks on Tiptoes

Toe walking is common for most babies as they take their first steps. Walking on tiptoes should disappear by the time a child is 2 to 3 years old. Many babies practice walking on tiptoe as they are first learning to walk. Only later, after 6 to 12 months or so of practice, will they learn to walk with a mature heel-to-toe gait.

Usually walking on tiptoes is not a problem. But if toe walking persists beyond the age of 2 or is done constantly, see your child's doctor for advice. Persistent toe walking, or toe walking on only one foot, can be a sign of a central nervous system problem and should be evaluated.

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