Wednesday, February 20, 2013

5 Tips to Reduce Your Milk Supply

If you are still expressing in place of each of your baby's feeds, and want to stop, it is best togo gradually, just as you would when weaning your baby from your breast. This is much easier on your body. Your breasts will stay more comfortable, you will be less prone to getting a breast infection and you won't experience the abrupt hormonal shift you would with the "cold turkey" style of weaning, which leaves some moms feeling sad and depressed.


5 Tips to Help You Feel Better To Reduce Your Milk Supply

1. Eliminate one pumping session each three to four days.Express only enough milk as needed for comfort. This gradual weaning from the pump gives your body a chance to adjust to the decrease in stimulation.

2. Apply cold cabbage compresses.Placing "compresses" inside each cup of your bra will also help to make you more comfortable. Reapply refrigerated cabbage leaves about every two hours, or as they wilt, until your milk supply slows. This is a good treatment for severe engorgement. Often moms feel relief in as little as two hours (Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, Ruth Lawrence, MD, 1994). You can continue this treatment as needed.

3. Do not bind your breasts.This is an outdated practice, can be very uncomfortable and may lead to a plugged duct or even a breast infection. Wear a comfortable, but supportive all-cotton bra that won't restrict your circulation. A sports bra may be perfect for you at this time, but be sure it isn't uncomfortably snug.

4. Take something for the pain.Try a pain reliever that is compatible with nursing. Get the okay from your care provider before usingacetominophenoribuprofen.

5. Try ice.Ice can help to reduce swelling and may help you to remain more comfortable as your milk supply is decreasing. A bag of frozen peas for each breast works well (but don't eat the peas, since you will be defrosting and refreezing.) Ice your breasts for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, at least four times each day, or as needed for comfort.

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