Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby’s Development Month by Month

The following milestones are listed under the FIRST month in which they may be achieved. However, remember that babies develop at different rates, so if your baby has not reached one or more of these milestones, it does not mean that something is wrong. He or she will probably develop these skills within the next few months. If you are still concerned, consider discussing this with your baby's pediatrician. The delay could indicate a problem, but more than likely it will turn out to be normal for your baby. Premature babies generally reach milestones later than others of the same birth age, often achieving them closer to the adjusted age and sometimes later.
  • The First Month:
    Can lift head momentarily
    Turns head from side to side when lying on back
    Hands stay clenched
    Strong grasp reflex present
    Looks and follows object moving in front of them in range of 45 degrees
    Sees black and white patterns
    Quiets when a voice is heard
    Cries to express displeasure
    Makes throaty sounds
    Looks intently at parents when they talk to him/her
  • The Second Month:
    Lifts head almost 45 degrees when lying on stomach
    Head bobs forward when held in sitting position
    Grasp reflex decreases
    Follows dangling objects with eyes
    Visually searches for sounds
    Makes noises other than crying
    Cries become distinctive (wet, hungry, etc.)
    Vocalizes to familiar voices
    Social smile demonstrated in response to various stimuli
  • The Third Month:
    Begins to bear partial weight on both legs when held in a standing position
    Able to hold head up when sitting but still bobs forward
    When lying on stomach can raise head and shoulders between 45 and 90 degrees
    Bears weight on forearms
    Grasp reflex absent
    Holds objects but does not reach for them
    Clutches own hands and pulls at blankets and clothes
    Follows objects 180 degrees
    Locates sound by turning head and looking in the same direction
    Squeals, coos, babbles, and chuckles
    "Talks" when spoken to
    Recognizes faces, voices, and objects
    Smiles when he/she sees familiar people, and engages in play with them
    Shows awareness to strange situations
  • The Fourth Month:
    Drooling begins
    Good head control
    Sits with support
    Bears some weight on legs when held upright
    Raises head and chest off surface to a 90 degree angle
    Rolls from back to side
    Explores and plays with hands
    Tries to reach for objects but overshoots
    Grasps objects with both hands
    Eye-hand coordination begins
    Makes consonant sounds
    Enjoys being rocked, bounced or swung
  • The Fifth Month:
    Signs of teething begin
    Holds head up when sitting
    Rolls from stomach to back
    When lying on back puts feet to mouth
    Voluntarily grasps and holds objects
    Plays with toes
    Takes objects directly to mouth
    Watches objects that are dropped
    Says "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combinations
    Smiles at mirror image
    Gets upset if you take a toy away
    Can tell family and strangers apart
    Begins to discover parts of his/her body
  • The Sixth Month:
    Chewing and biting occur
    When on stomach can lift chest and part of stomach off the surface bearing weight on hands
    Lifts head when pulled to a sitting position
    Rolls from back to stomach
    Bears majority of weight when being held in a standing position
    Grasps and controls small objects
    Holds bottle
    Grabs feet and pulls to mouth
    Adjusts body to see an object
    Turns head from side to side and then looks up or down
    Prefers more complex visual stimuli
    Says one syllable sounds like "ma", "mu", "da", and "di"
    Recognizes parents
  • The Seventh Month:
    Sits without support, may lean forward on both hands
    Bears full weight on feet
    Bounces when held in standing position
    Bears weight on one hand when lying on stomach
    Transfers objects from one hand to another
    Bangs objects on surfaces
    Able to fixate on small objects
    Responds to name
    Awareness of depth and space begin
    Has taste preferences
    "Talks" when others are talking
  • The Eight Month:
    Sits well without support
    Bears weight on legs and may stand holding on to furniture
    Adjusts posture to reach an object
    Picks up objects using index, fourth, and fifth finger against thumb
    Able to release objects
    Pulls string to obtain object
    Reaches for toys that are out of reach
    Listens selectively to familiar words
    Begins combining syllables like "mama" and "dada" but does not attach a meaning
    Understands the word no (but does not always obey it!)
    Dislikes diaper change and being dressed
  • The Ninth Month:
    Begins crawling
    Pulls up to standing position from sitting
    Sits for a prolonged time (10minutes)
    May develop a preference for use of one hand
    Uses thumb and index finger to pick up objects
    Responds to simple verbal commands
    Comprehends "no no"
    Increased interest in pleasing parents
    Puts arms in front of face to avoid having it washed
  • The Tenth Month:
    Goes from stomach to sitting position
    Sits by falling down
    Recovers balance easily while sitting
    Lifts one foot to take a step while standing
    Comprehends "bye-bye"
    Says "dada" or "mama" with meaning
    Says one other word beside "mama" and "dada" (hi, bye, no, go)
    Waves bye
    Object permanence begins to develop
    Repeats actions that attract attention
    Plays interactive games such a "pat-a-cake"
    Enjoys being read to and follows pictures in books
  • The Eleventh Month:
    Walks holding on to furniture or other objects
    Places one object after another into a container
    Reaches back to pick up an object when sitting
    Explores objects more thoroughly
    Able to manipulate objects out of tight fitting spaces
    Rolls a ball when asked
    Becomes excited when a task is mastered
    Acts frustrated when restricted
    Shakes head for "no"
  • The Twelfth Month:
    Walks with one hand held
    May stand alone and attempt first steps alone
    Sits down from standing position without help
    Attempts to build two block tower but may fail
    Turns pages in a book
    Follows rapidly moving objects
    Says three or more words other than "mama" or "dada"
    Comprehends the meaning of several words
    Repeats the same words over & over again
    Imitates sounds, such as the sounds dogs and cats make
    Recognizes objects by name
    Understands simple verbal commands
    Shows affection
    Shows independence in familiar surrounding
    Clings to parents in strange situation
    Searches for object where it was last seen

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